1. Consider the importance of clarity in staying on mission. Take a moment to reflect on whether you have a clear understanding of what matters most to you or your organisation. Are your mission, methods, and motivations clearly defined and communicated? If not, what steps can you take to gain clarity in these areas?

Our mission lives in our hearts but w don’t have anything written down clearly. We need to have a workshop and perhaps clarify what we are about in clear terms. Our motivations are clear to everyone in the team.

2. An organisation’s guiding documents (i.e. vision and mission statement, statement of faith, etc.) define the mission and can protect the organisation against drift. Have a look at your own statements now. How clearly do these guiding documents define your organisation’s mission? Make a note of any documents that need to be refined or created to help clarify and protect the mission.

Our guiding documents are not written comprehensively and clearly. I would like to work on our vision and mission statement and ways to clarify our methods.


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