Most experts who study organisational effectiveness agree that the single most important variable for organisational impact and success is leadership. When leadership is healthy, employees are engaged and confident, joy and camaraderie abound, and there is clarity of vision and support to achieve goals.
Leadership Topics
- What is leadership?
- A view of healthy leadership
- Things great leaders do
- Growing great leaders
- Leading a healthy organisation
- Leadership hand over
Mission & Vision
A clear mission comes from a clear vision. Vision is what we can see in our mind’s eye as a destination we are moving to. Mission is the statement about how we will get there. A mission statement is inspirational, focussed and clear, guiding all major decisions to build strategy and achieve impact.
Mission & Vision Topics
- Drifting away from your mission?
- How to define your mission
- Bring your mission to life
- Doing the work of the mission
- How change happens
- Clarity of vision
People, Teams & Values
An organisation’s culture is its personality, the essence of how its people interact and work with those inside and outside the organisation. A healthy culture is one in which team members collaborate, share knowledge, communicate and, most importantly, enable each person to be and bring their best.
People, Teams & Values Topics
- Cultivating a healthy culture
- Growing healthy teams
- Growing healthy individuals
- Creating an inspiring work environment
- Planning team capacity
- Faith at work
Communication & Identity
It’s important to remember that your brand is not your logo, but the sum total of all the interactions with your organisation. An organisation’s brand should enjoy a healthy level of exposure that builds trust, tells the impact stories and communicates a clear value proposition with all stakeholders.
Communication & Identity Topics
- Foundations of communication and identity
- Building a strategic identity
- Communicating more effectively
- Communications tips, tools and channels
- Assessing communication effectiveness
- Telling impactful stories
All organisations need resources to achieve their strategic aspirations. An organisation that is healthy in the area of funding has established an income model which considers suitable income sources and a fund development strategy to sustain the organisation through both short- and long-term goals.
Funding Topics
- The joy of fundraising
- The non profit business model
- Contagious fundraising
- Strategies for fundraising
- Skills for fundraising
- Tools for fundraising
All too often, there’s a discrepancy between an organisation’s strategy and its reality. Strategy takes time and thoughtful investigation before it can be effectively applied. Good strategy is built on a well-researched theory of change and is evaluated according to realistic goals which lead to innovation, expansion, quality improvement and diversification.
Strategy Topics
- Decoding strategy
- Defining strategic priorities
- Developing actionable plans
- Making your strategy happen
- Designing your organisation for success
- Valuing strategic partnerships
Operations & Finance
Operations are the organisational infrastructure, systems, and processes that ensure things get done efficiently. Systems and processes allow for effective management of communication, data, and resources. Good financial management practices consider budgeting, cash flow planning and cost awareness throughout the organisation.
Operations & Finance Topics
- Optimising the organisation
- Enabling systems and technology
- Healthy organisational rhythms
- Budget and cashflow planning
- Healthy financial processes
- Biblical principles of money
Governance & Oversight
The overseers seek to ensure that the organisational mandate is executed through qualified leadership, good governance and adequate resources, ensuring a high level of accountability. They are responsible for overseeing leaders, stewarding the mission, and ensuring the organisation meets its legal and ethical obligations.
Governance & Oversight Topics
- The foundations of Governance
- Governance, Mission and Stewardship
- What should a board do?
- Board and management partnership
- What makes a great board member?
- What makes a great chair person?
Impact Management
Evaluation is the analysis of outcomes to determine whether we are making progress toward our mission. Measuring impact keeps the core narrative alive. When we honestly assess our impact, we weigh reality against the organisation’s intended purpose.
Impact Management Topics
- Valuing impact
- Defining intended impact
- Collecting impactful quantitative data
- Collecting impactful qualitative data
- Responding to impact data
- Becoming a learning organisation
Courses & Resources
We’ve identified 9 dimensions, each complemented by a diverse collection of resources.
Dive in by clicking on a dimension to understand its importance and explore the associated resources.

Crystal clear definitions of “leadership” and “servant leadership” so you know what you’re doing as a leader.
We need many more healthy leaders – now and in the future – but exactly what does that mean?
Leading a healthy organisation
Everything you do as a leader nurture your organisational culture, so you must know how to do this well!
Identify, equip and empower other leaders that will be able to continue the work and see it thrive well beyond your lifetime.
We believe that there is a Designer who has a design for each one of us. There is a plan. There are purposes that He has destined us to fulfill. This course is about ‘personal leadership development’. It is about you and the plan God has for you. Our goal is to help you discern God’s plan for your life.
Mission & Vision
Drifting away from your mission?
No organisation is immune to mission drift. These courses will help you discover how to keep your organisation true to its mission.
Mission & Vision
This course will guide you in creating a mission, method, and motivation framework that will help you to keep your organisation mission true.
Mission & Vision
This topic aims to give practical guidance on how to bring your mission to life in your organisation.
Mission & Vision
Learn how to establish one practice that you can apply in your organisation to remain mission aligned into the future.
Mission & Vision
A well researched and mapped process of change as an organisational blueprint that guides your activities and operations.
Mission & Vision
Clarifying and communicating a compelling picture of the future you believe God has for your organisation.
People, Teams & Values
Discovering the key ingredients to growing a healthy organisational culture.
People, Teams & Values
Introducing team strengthening models and techniques that can aid in the growth from a group of individuals to a high performing team.
People, Teams & Values
Fostering individuals development that is focussed on developing mastery, encouraging innovation and building trust.
People, Teams & Values
Creating an inspiring work environment
Creating a work environment which inspires people and encourages making opportunities for innovation and creativity
People, Teams & Values
A human resources requirement plan that supports the organisational strategy and how to attract the best talent
People, Teams & Values
Demonstrating a commitment to Christ through practicing biblical values in the workplace
Communication & Identity
Foundations of communication and identity
What is organisational identity, why it's important, and what are the basic process for creating an effective identity & clear communication
Communication & Identity
How to use the components of strategic identity to create a brand strategy for your organisation
Communication & Identity
Communicating more effectively
How does your strategic identity affect communication and how to communicate differently to various stakeholders
Communication & Identity
Communications tips, tools and channels
Tips and tools to hone your marketing content through the right channels to reach the target audience
Communication & Identity
Assessing communication effectiveness
Test the messaging to ensure that it communicates clearly, compellingly and correctly
Communication & Identity
Discover the joy of the fundraising ministry as you grow a community of supporters.
Clearly define your Non-profit business model with fundraising planning as a prioritized, strategic, annual and systematic process
We are the guides that invite champions of the cause to become educated on the problem and how they can participate in solving it
Develop fundraising strategies for reaching and engaging with the heart motives of the different types of donors.
Learn more on the Biblical principles of fundraising and skills needed to do good fundraising.
Practical tools that make the work and reward of fundraising sustainable
Understand and articulate what organisational strategy is, including its main elements.
Arriving at a curated collection of focus areas for progress toward organisational vision
Converting the strategic priorities into an actionable plan of how to move towards the envisioned future
Designing your organisation for success
Assess and create organisational readiness and organisational design to implement and execute strategic plan
Valuing strategic partnerships
Recognising, valuing, and learning how to collaborate with others to achieve your strategic plan.
Operations & Finance
How to standardise, document and embed your core processes in order to reliably repeat success throughout the organisation.
Operations & Finance
Enabling systems and technology
What are the correct enabling systems and technology required to support your operations?
Operations & Finance
Healthy organisational rhythms
Healthy and effective meetings and work rhythms are the heartbeat of an organisation.
Operations & Finance
Annual budget reflecting priorities and realistic cost estimates against projected income and cash-flow management with project planning and execution.
Operations & Finance
Budgetary process and management accounts assist in cost awareness and healthy and wise management of finances
Operations & Finance
How to steward the finances entrusted to you in a way that honours God.
Governance & Oversight
What is a board of directors and does the idea rest on a biblical foundation?
Governance & Oversight
Governance, mission and stewardship
What makes some boards more effective than others with access to the same resources?
Governance & Oversight
Governance & Oversight
Board and management partnership
How do the roles of the board and management team differ?
Governance & Oversight
What makes a great board member?
What are the attributes and responsibilities of ministry board member?
Governance & Oversight
What makes a great chairperson?
What is the role of the board chairperson and the qualities needed to support that role?
Impact Management
Impact is your value proposition, your mission and your cause. To be clear-headed about impact, we first need to know: what kind of impact we intend to make, how we know if we are making that impact, and what to do with our discoveries about our impact.
Impact Management
When we name our intention, we clarify our thinking and sharpen our focus. The first step in the intention phase of evaluation is to develop just a few (3 to 5) statements that communicate the difference we want to see in the lives of the people we serve as a result of the program we offer.
Impact Management
Collecting impactful qualitative data
Learn how to seek data on the qualitative change in people. This means that you are paying attention to significant shifts in their thinking (believe), who they are becoming (become), and a transformation in their heart (love).
Impact Management
Collecting impactful quantitative data
Learn how to seek data on how people are thinking differently, behaving differently, and feeling differently as a result of your organisation’s services and programs.
Impact Management
Responding to findings honours the voice of your participants. It demonstrates that you are a responsive, learning organisation. It makes your program more effective over time.
Impact Management
Becoming a learning organisation
See your organisation thrive into the future by developing habits of evaluation and continuous improvement.
Crystal clear definitions of “leadership” and “servant leadership” so you know what you’re doing as a leader.
We need many more healthy leaders – now and in the future – but exactly what does that mean?
Leading a healthy organisation
Everything you do as a leader nurture your organisational culture, so you must know how to do this well!
Identify, equip and empower other leaders that will be able to continue the work and see it thrive well beyond your lifetime.
We believe that there is a Designer who has a design for each one of us. There is a plan. There are purposes that He has destined us to fulfill. This course is about ‘personal leadership development’. It is about you and the plan God has for you. Our goal is to help you discern God’s plan for your life.
Mission & Vision
Drifting away from your mission?
No organisation is immune to mission drift. These courses will help you discover how to keep your organisation true to its mission.
Mission & Vision
This course will guide you in creating a mission, method, and motivation framework that will help you to keep your organisation mission true.
Mission & Vision
This topic aims to give practical guidance on how to bring your mission to life in your organisation.
Mission & Vision
Learn how to establish one practice that you can apply in your organisation to remain mission aligned into the future.
Mission & Vision
A well researched and mapped process of change as an organisational blueprint that guides your activities and operations.
Mission & Vision
Clarifying and communicating a compelling picture of the future you believe God has for your organisation.
People, Teams & Values
Discovering the key ingredients to growing a healthy organisational culture.
People, Teams & Values
Introducing team strengthening models and techniques that can aid in the growth from a group of individuals to a high performing team.
People, Teams & Values
Fostering individuals development that is focussed on developing mastery, encouraging innovation and building trust.
People, Teams & Values
Creating an inspiring work environment
Creating a work environment which inspires people and encourages making opportunities for innovation and creativity
People, Teams & Values
A human resources requirement plan that supports the organisational strategy and how to attract the best talent
People, Teams & Values
Demonstrating a commitment to Christ through practicing biblical values in the workplace
Communication & Identity
Foundations of communication and identity
What is organisational identity, why it's important, and what are the basic process for creating an effective identity & clear communication
Communication & Identity
How to use the components of strategic identity to create a brand strategy for your organisation
Communication & Identity
Communicating more effectively
How does your strategic identity affect communication and how to communicate differently to various stakeholders
Communication & Identity
Communications tips, tools and channels
Tips and tools to hone your marketing content through the right channels to reach the target audience
Communication & Identity
Assessing communication effectiveness
Test the messaging to ensure that it communicates clearly, compellingly and correctly
Communication & Identity
Discover the joy of the fundraising ministry as you grow a community of supporters.
Clearly define your Non-profit business model with fundraising planning as a prioritized, strategic, annual and systematic process
We are the guides that invite champions of the cause to become educated on the problem and how they can participate in solving it
Develop fundraising strategies for reaching and engaging with the heart motives of the different types of donors.
Practical tools that make the work and reward of fundraising sustainable
Learn more on the Biblical principles of fundraising and skills needed to do good fundraising.
Understand and articulate what organisational strategy is, including its main elements.
Arriving at a curated collection of focus areas for progress toward organisational vision
Converting the strategic priorities into an actionable plan of how to move towards the envisioned future
Designing your organisation for success
Assess and create organisational readiness and organisational design to implement and execute strategic plan
Valuing strategic partnerships
Recognising, valuing, and learning how to collaborate with others to achieve your strategic plan.
Operations & Finance
How to standardise, document and embed your core processes in order to reliably repeat success throughout the organisation.
Operations & Finance
Enabling systems and technology
What are the correct enabling systems and technology required to support your operations?
Operations & Finance
Healthy organisational rhythms
Healthy and effective meetings and work rhythms are the heartbeat of an organisation.
Operations & Finance
Annual budget reflecting priorities and realistic cost estimates against projected income and cash-flow management with project planning and execution.
Operations & Finance
Budgetary process and management accounts assist in cost awareness and healthy and wise management of finances
Operations & Finance
How to steward the finances entrusted to you in a way that honours God.
Governance & Oversight
What is a board of directors and does the idea rest on a biblical foundation?
Governance & Oversight
Governance, mission and stewardship
What makes some boards more effective than others with access to the same resources?
Governance & Oversight
Governance & Oversight
Board and management partnership
How do the roles of the board and management team differ?
Governance & Oversight
What makes a great board member?
What are the attributes and responsibilities of ministry board member?
Governance & Oversight
What makes a great chairperson?
What is the role of the board chairperson and the qualities needed to support that role?
Impact Management
Impact is your value proposition, your mission and your cause. To be clear-headed about impact, we first need to know: what kind of impact we intend to make, how we know if we are making that impact, and what to do with our discoveries about our impact.
Impact Management
When we name our intention, we clarify our thinking and sharpen our focus. The first step in the intention phase of evaluation is to develop just a few (3 to 5) statements that communicate the difference we want to see in the lives of the people we serve as a result of the program we offer.
Impact Management
Collecting impactful qualitative data
Learn how to seek data on the qualitative change in people. This means that you are paying attention to significant shifts in their thinking (believe), who they are becoming (become), and a transformation in their heart (love).
Impact Management
Collecting impactful quantitative data
Learn how to seek data on how people are thinking differently, behaving differently, and feeling differently as a result of your organisation’s services and programs.
Impact Management
Responding to findings honours the voice of your participants. It demonstrates that you are a responsive, learning organisation. It makes your program more effective over time.
Impact Management
Becoming a learning organisation
See your organisation thrive into the future by developing habits of evaluation and continuous improvement.
Additional resources
Explore additional resources below