Ministry is about God’s work and fundraising is the necessary burden that comes with it
Good fundraisers know how to manipulate people to give
When I ask for support for myself or my ministry, I feel that I’m begging for money
Fundraising is not about relationships, it is really about money
2. When leaders and fundraisers are asked to share what they feel about fundraising, they often say they experience emotions such as joy or fulfilment because they feel good about raising funds for their work. But some also say that they experience negative emotions. Write down any of the fears you might have experienced when asking for donations to your work.
fear of getting no as answer
Fear that people may not be sure to support
3. Have you experienced any of these fears recently? Write down the particular situation and how you felt about it
Yes. i did approched a business man to present the ministry and ask for his support and he stricktly say No that He is not convinced to support our minstry
4. Now think about the times when someone approached you to give financially and you gave to them. Write down the emotions you experienced on that occasion.
A joy to be usefull to the person and to advance his life and work
5. Now take time to compare the emotions you experience when you ask and when you are asked to give. Are they different? If yes, what do you think makes the difference?
their is a difference I filled satisfied and usefull when i give