Consider the possibility of your organisation drifting away from its intended mission or purpose. What warning signs or indicators might you observe?

when we no longer focus on the target clientele we aim to serve; when we begin to spread ourselves too thinly trying to do everything instead of narrowing our focus on what we are called to do and tap on others for the things that needs to be in place outside of our expertise/callings/gifts.

What key areas in the organisation are most vulnerable to mission drift?

Business development: too many ideas; education programs that do not have a clear strategic pathway that aligns with mission

How would you identify the early stages of mission drift before the organisation is swept off course?

misalignment of program focus; lack of relevance of activities towards core mission; decisions are no longer based on mission/purpose but more for practical survival

Identify one key action step you or your organisation plan to take to identify the early stages of mission drift and keep the organisation on mission.

1. Align all programs/services with core mission and purpose by asking questions if does lead towards vision executing mission.


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