Using story to advance your mission

Julie Wilson
Last Update: April 11, 2024
Enrollments: 35


Who owns the narrative?

Becoming a storytelling organisation

Impactful storytelling

Julie is a visionary strategist & communication specialist. She ignites teams for success & growth with many years of personal experience under the belt.

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How to tell great stories

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Julie Wilson

Telling stories is one of the most engaging and effective ways to communicate with others. It’s one thing to know this; it’s another thing to tell stories that move people. In this course, Julie Wilson explores the elements of great stories and shows you how to weave these components into your narratives for truly impactful storytelling.

Why your story matters
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Telling impactful stories
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Why your story matters

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There’s no denying the power of story when it comes to engaging with others. Lead by visionary strategist and communication specialist Julie Wilson, you will discover why your story matters and why your story is one of the most powerful tools you have for influencing others.

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Being good stewards of our resources

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Related Resources

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Crafting our non-profit’s brand: key lessons learnt

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Building a Storybrand with Donald Miller and Andy Stanley

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