يُرجَى تدوينُ مثالٍ واحدٍ على الأقلّ لكلٍّ منها.*

First Question:

JESUS started a movement with HIS disciples. That movement is still growing and gaining momentum. Goals are set (All the world), deadline is given with signs that leads to the end, challenges are made aware of and anticipated, but victory is promised.

Moses had a goal. Get the Israelites to Canaan (promised land), in doing this they will be freed from slavery, they will be able to worship GOD, they will be receiving an inheritance for their children. Every Israelite was motivated to travel through the desert for different reasons, but they all had one goal – Cannan (promised land). Through the discipline of the desert, they were kept motivated in different ways that influenced them their movement.

Good leaders can become bad leaders, and bad leaders can become good leaders. When leadership becomes stagnant (does not move) or when leaders take movement to bad places, they are still leaders.

Moses got the Israelites to the promised land but could not take them into the promised land. Moses leadership was good. JESUS will take us into the promised land, HE said HE is preparing a place for us, HE is already in the “promised land” heaven and that is the best leadership when the followers want to be where the leader is.

Second Question:

Apartheid was bad leadership because it did not cater for the majority of the followers of South Africa, but only for a minority group. That type of leadership was overthrown. Bad leadership will only lead for a season.


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