Step 1: Get a mentor or coach Unchartered territory requires a guide. Invite them to ask you tough questions to prepare you well for when you leave. Note this is key a pre-transition activity. What action do you want to take on this?

I have asked Ps Andrias Pantauw to be my mentor-coach, by January 2024.

Step 2: Ask the Lord how your identity is tied to the organisation. Take 30 minutes to listen and note the things God speaks to you. Reflect on how it feels to picture the organisation without you. If that thought provokes lots of emotion, consider taking further time out to pray through this.

It means to be unknown. Yet, known by Abba Father, as His son. 1 John 3:1-2.

It means to be forgotten, not wanted and not desired, not acknowledged and not consulted, to be compared as worse and bygone, and the succession as better and more. It means to be sidelined. It means losing closeness and friendships. But 2 Timothy 4:17 stands true.

It means no names and accreditation going forward. No honoraries, and no salutations. Perhaps, even considered and perceived as wrongful, liable of past mistakes. But Philippians 1:18 is mine.

It means starting afresh. Inexperienced in a new setting. Learning anew. Building new habits. No more perceived favours. Perhaps, even losing past human favours. But Acts 8:26 is a doorway for new path, for every disciple.

Step 3: Engage honestly with your team. Create opportunities for regular feedback, either through an anonymous 360 feedback, or by asking open questions (stop, start, continue). List some action steps you are going to take. If this is hard for you, reflect on why it is difficult to ask for feedback.

Start: mentor-coach members of NLT, esp. responsive ones. Physical exericise and intermittent fasting.

Stop: coffee-and-spice-glut. “Babysitting” leadership or “helicopter” management.

Continue: prioritize serving family. Pursue wholeness in identity. Learn, obey & share leadership lessons.

Step 4: Write down your post transition thoughts. a. What fears do I have? b. What am I excited about? c. What opportunities can I develop?

Fears: going to the swings of extremes, because of unhealthy attachment to TTI.

Excitement: living out what God had uniquely designed me to be. To be a Barnabas, son of encouragement.

1. Possible informal Training Center for church planting.
2. “Rumamurid” student mobilization.
3. Support raising for family, then for TTI.


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