1. What is the issue here?

Martha did not have people that would keep her and her team accountable.

2. If you had to summarise Zhao’s perspective in 2-3 sentences, what would you say? What would be his position on ministry boards and why?

Every ministry needs a board. A group of people will be there to help ask hard questions and also keep the ministry accountable.

3. If you had to summarise Martha’s perspective in 2-3 sentences, what would you say? What would be her position on ministry boards and why?

Martha thinks that her team is doing well and they don’t need a board.

4. What are the 4-5 biggest benefits of a competent, committed board of directors for a faith-based ministry, or any organisation for that matter?

1- offer guidance
2- Keep accountability
3- Ask difficult questions
4- help the ministry to stay true to its vision

5. What are the potential downsides or risks that might be incurred with a board of directors, if any?

If you have the right people in the board of directors, there are no to less downside because these people are the for the good of the ministry


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