Reflection on Who Is Your Target Audience? by Steve Steddom
بواسطة Steve Steddom | سبتمبر 9, 2023 | غير مصنف |
Does your organisation serve a group of people in a specific country/region/city/etc.? Please be as specific as possible.
Does your organisation primarily serve men, women, children, or families (or a combination – Ex. women & children)?
Are the majority of those who your organisation serves from a particular culture or religion?
What is the general income level of the majority of those your organisation serves?
Is there anything else that distinguishes those your organisation primarily serves from others? (Ex. disabilities, specific medical needs, traumatic background)
Write a phrase describing those your organisation primarily serves, being as specific as possible. Please note that your organisation likely serves people beyond this description, but please define those who you most desire to serve. If your organisation has sub-brands serving different audiences, write a phrase for each sub-brand. For example, Renew Ministries has 2 sub-brands that each serve a different audience. Their phrases describing their target audiences would be the following: Renew Pediatrics – parents of children with disabilities in impoverished communities in Southeast Asia Renew Maternal Care – pregnant women in impoverished communities in Southeast Asia