الرئيسية / الجماعة / Crafting our non-profit’s brand: key lessons learnt
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كيفَ بَنَيْنَا علامتَنا التجاريَّةَ غير الرِّبْحِيَّة

Join us for this FiftyFour session where Africa development director for The Message Trust, Tim Tucker, shares his learnings over the years about building a distinctive global brand.

Tim gets great joy from investing in emerging leaders and seeing people fulfil their potential in faith and life. Originally from the UK, he moved to Cape Town in 1998 and has been involved in leading Christian non-profit organisations since 2001. 

Some of the discussions you can look forward to during this session:

  1. How does building your brand contribute to your core purpose?
  2. What is an authentic Christian approach to branding?
  3. How to know whether you are building a ‘branded house’ or a ‘house of brands’, and managing the risk of mission drift.
  4. Using the SWOT analysis to identify your next steps.

You can download the slide deck here:


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