1. Describe the community building efforts of your organisation. What strategies have you employed to engage and mobilise a community of supporters?

Great stories, connect them together, but we have much work to do.
Social media, Website, all tools in great shape. Haven’t used LinkedIn or YouTube to good effect.

2. Are we measuring the impact of our community-building efforts? If yes, which are you most effective activities? If not, how might you go about doing this?

Yes, Comms dashboard measures amounts of people, but not engagement – we need to better measure this esp of our alumni (how?) describe what engagement looks like, and funds raised.

3. What next step will you take to develop your community building expertise as a non-profit professional?

1. Get someone to help me manage donor database and tagging people
2. Organize our donors
3. Set goals and targets for community formation and growth
4. Mighty Network, LinkedIn strategies
5. Be useful, fresh, informative, deep for our community – know them


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