Step 1: Identify in your own life and write down 1 natural ability; 1 acquired skill and 1 spiritual gift

Leadership, Organizing, Teaching

Step 2: Learn about your spiritual gift: What is it used for? How does it edify or help the body of Christ? What does operating maturely in this gift look like?

Sharing knowledge and Truth – Inspire, motivate and cause transformation

Step 3: Select an area of giftedness that you want to develop effectiveness in


Step 4: Brainstorm ideas on what skills are needed and how you might acquire those skills

Communication, Presentation, – Education and practice

Step 5: Write down some action steps and activities which will help you accomplish growth

Enroll in a formal education, Accessing practical resources and mentors

Step 6: Who can help you stay faithful? Who will you ask to help you on this growth journey?

I am a praying for a connection


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