Who is your target audience?

Potential storytellers and church leaders

If donors are not your target audience (remember, this is the group you MOST want to get involved with your organisation and are trying to reach), does your organisation have donors?

Not yet

Does your organisation have a board of directors?


Does your organisation have volunteers?


Are there any other groups that are involved in your organisation and to whom you need to communicate? If so, list them.

Diocesan leads
Organisation leaders
Grant makers

What information, if any, would you want a group of stakeholders to see that you would NOT want your target audience to see?

How many groups are running currently,

If there is information you’d like stakeholders to see and not your target audience, can this be accomplished via email or written mail?

Email using charitysuie to target them

Do you need a separate page on your website or section of your website devoted to a group of stakeholders? Consider whether a “Donate” or “Volunteer” page would be sufficient depending on how much differing information you need to communicate.

We have this but it could be updated

Does your messaging strategy need to shift when speaking to a particular group of stakeholders? If so, identify what would be different. For example, would the language be more specific or technical? More Biblically-focused? More formal or casual?

Some stakeholders could have a more spiritual bent than others


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