1. Reflect on the consequences faced by Joshua’s descendants when they forgot their story and turned away from God. Now, think of the significant founding story of your organisation. How can you incorporate storytelling into your own context to ensure the founding values and purpose or your organisation are remembered and cherished?
Founding stories should be repeated at the annual training. We have a video training, that can be sent via Whatsapp that contains the history and can be send to all new extra class teachers as well as the Overseers.
Extra Class teachers/Overseers should also tell their stories of change at weekly training.
Implementation of discipleship at the weekly trainings are a way of story telling and witnessing what God is doing in their lives
2. Do you currently have a culture of storytelling in your team or organisation? Identify one key action step you can take to improve the way you gather and share stories to maintain focus on your mission and inspire others.
Yes, the feedback on implementing the discipleship in the ECT’s lives. We do tell the history of the organisation at the anual training. We can definitely improve on it.