How has God revealed your vision to you? If not, what are you putting in place to spend time with God to hear His vision for you?

In Dec 2023, after intentional time of asking & seeking. Have to spend more time to listen for His vision, and to journal what He has reminded.

What is the vision God revealed to you? Is it clear? If not, how can it be clarified?

Rumamurid. It is clear. It can be further clarified in regards to steps towards fulfilling it.

What action is being created by your vision? Give examples. If no action is being created, what changes can be made for action to be inpsired?

Ruma. Be a leader at home. Find the home for the disciples.

Murid. Be a disciple. Find the disciples.

How do you see your vision establishing God’s Kingdom? If not, what should change for this to happen?

Blessing the next, emerging leaders with a home and a family worth multiplying. So they’ll be dispersed and multiplied blessings among all peoples, places and spaces.


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