يُرجَى تدوينُ مثالٍ واحدٍ على الأقلّ لكلٍّ منها.*
1) I have seen incredible leadership in the churches of Venezuela that were founded by several missionary teams in the 90’s. Local leaders were raised up and equipped to carry out the Great Commission among unreached people groups in the region. Vision was cast, people were mobilized and equipped, and there was good leadership to help a country go from 0.01% evangelical to 17% evangelical in 25 years.
2) Unfortunately I have seen ineffective leadership all across North Africa in the local churches and mission organizations. There is very little vision or good leadership. Good leaders tend to get burned out by the infighting and politics among local believers and mission organizations. As a result the church in many areas is very weak and the missionary teams don’t last very long.