1. Take a moment to think about why you are involved in fundraising. What is your motivation for fundraising? What is it that fuels your fundraising efforts?

For me it is simple. Unless we have funds we cannot do the work God has called us too. It’s a simple must and part and parcel of the landscape we are in. Raising funds is motivated by the mere fact that more children will grow up in family and their trajectory changed forever.

2. How would you describe your current mindset when it comes to fundraising? Are there any areas in which you might need a mindset shift?

I think at times I am a little over confident and frustrated at the same time, that the world out there cannot see how important it is for the children to come out of their dire circumstance and that sometimes they will just follow a global agenda and overlook the most vulnerable. I think the frustration I am feeling is something I need to work on, because there will always be global agendas and helping children may not be as cool anymore as being part of what is discussed on a global level. Especially on the social media platforms.


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