What do you think is the key issue within the conversation? 

That there is no board members.

If you had to summarise Zhao’s perspective in 2-3 sentences, what would you say? 

I think he’s big concern is if he invest will it be used for the right reasons and who will be held responsible for how thing will turn out.(Good or Bad)

If you had to summarise Martha’s perspective in 2-3 sentences, what would you say? 

Martha doesn’t want people to tell her how to do her job because she has been doing it well without board members, but also haven’t thought about it that way board members are there to give advise and help taking thing forward in your organisation.

What are the 4-5 biggest benefits of a competent, committed board of directors for a faith-based ministry, or any organisation for that matter? 

Ability to make tough decisions
Be objective

What are the potential downsides or risks that might be incurred with a board of directors, if any? 

They are exposed to financial risk
Reputational risk
Directors are responsible for make all the decision on behalf of the company.

What is your perspective on boards based on the case study? 

That they are there to help with decision making for the best way forward.


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