Who are your raising up? Are there leaders in your team you need to be more intentional about investing in?

Precious, Rein, Rezcel and Zoe and Nway

Check boxes

Test them
Commission and correct
Release and equip

Take a moment to reflect on why you think these steps challenged you most.

There is a tendency that you want to rescue and help when they are being tested or going through challenges. Correcting in a loving way can also be a challenge as sometimes, you don’t want to offend them or be misunderstood.

Cultivate belonging

Spend more time with Rein to help her feel that she belongs to the family

Envision leaders

I will ask God how he envisions Rein, and all the leadership team. Include Hazel too.

Affirm them

I will continue to find time to encourage and affirm them

Test them

I will refrain from trying to rescue them when the going gets tough

Commission and correct

Set them free to soar and be mindful when there are times of correction needed.

Release and equip

Allow them to fail and give more opportunimties for them to get equipped


I will need to set my boundaries and learn to completely not meddle with ops once I leave unless when it is necessary as a board to keep our mission focus and let the team stay on course


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