1. Take a moment to think about why you are involved in fundraising. What is your motivation for fundraising? What is it that fuels your fundraising efforts?

To move away from organizational dependency.

To move towards health and sustainability.

To experience what Paul and Philippians experience in Philippians 4: Lifetime partnership in the Gospel, that joyfully reflects and honors God’s generosity towards His family.

2. How would you describe your current mindset when it comes to fundraising? Are there any areas in which you might need a mindset shift?

My current mindset:

Fundraising is not a necessary evil, but part of God’s good design of generosity in Christ’s Body.

Fundraising is not an act of will, as much it is an act of faith. Therefore, it is an act of worship, when it is geared towards His heart and done in His ways.

Fundraising is not a distraction to the work. It is not only part of the work. It is an expression of missions work, that is as equally important as frontier work.


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