How has God revealed your vision to you? If not, what are you putting in place to spend time with God to hear His vision for you?
As the Head of Disciplemaking in my denomination, my vision flows in line with the overall vision of the President of our denomination. So, yes, we have received a vision from the Lord.
What is the vision God revealed to you? Is it clear? If not, how can it be clarified?
The vision is a call to equip and unleash the members of our church to transform their world. The local congregation is to be a discipling center where members are intentionally discipled so they can transform their world. In this regard, my goal is to design an intentional blueprint to make this happen. I think I will need to create time to receive a clear vision on how to make this happen. I will be away for my annual vacation in June and so I will create space to do that.
What action is being created by your vision? Give examples. If no action is being created, what changes can be made for action to be inspired?
With the goal of making the church an intentional disciple making church, our actions include
1. To write, edit and publish disciple making materials for the denomination annually
2. To develop a disciple makers manual to guide the discipleship processes
3. Organize training for disciple makers to equip them to lead the discipleship agenda
How do you see your vision establishing God’s Kingdom? If not, what should change for this to happen?
The goal of the vision is to equip Christians and unleash them to transform their spheres with kingdom values and principles. This is in line with the kingdom of God