What is your vision for the organisation you serve? This question is not asking for your “vision statement”! Please sincerely define your hopes for the future.

I truly pray that Calling Academy Kroonstad will become a place of excellence in the Free State Education community. I pray that we will be a school that not just impacts the individual students that we serve but also their families and the wider community. I pray that we will truly be Disciples making Disciples!

Now please reflect on the source of your vision. Is it really from God? How do you know? Who else has confirmed that this vision is genuinely from God?

I strongly believe that this is what God has called us to do in Kroonstad. I also believe that the founding members of Calling Education have heard this from God and that most if not all of the staff members know this in their spirits as well.

Even if you are sure your vision is genuinely from God, are there any elements of your own human ambition mixed in with it? What are those elements? Please name them.

Yes, I have to be careful what I interpret what it means to be a beacon of light in the community or even what I see as excellence. I must be led by the Holy Spirit and not by my own ambition. I pray that the Lord Jesus will guide me in this.

Now please reflect on the purpose of your vision. Is it really in the best interests of the people? How do you know? Who else has confirmed that this vision genuinely serves the people?

I believe that it is in the best interests of the students and their families, who we serve. I have had some confirmation from family members.

Even if you are sure your vision is genuinely in the best interests of the people, are there any elements of your own self-serving mixed in with it? What are those elements? Please name them.

Again, there might be self-serving in the details (the how) we implement. I have to be careful not to just stick with the things I know and am familiar with, but, once again, let myself be led by the Holy Spirit.


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