1. Reflect on your organisation’s current metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). What key performance indicators (KPIs) drive your organisation?

Our current measurements are focused on numbers reached through various activities.

2. Review your top KPIs and identify why you measure each of them. What behaviours do they incentivise?

Needs reviewing.

3. Revisit the question Peter posed in the previous video: What are the indicators that your organisation is using to know whether it is staying on mission? In other words, which of your current metrics and KPIs are primarily focused on mission and impact? Which metrics reflect the essence of your organisation’s purpose and guide you towards meaningful growth while staying on mission?

the current metrics arent sufficient.

4. Are there any metrics in your organisation that could lead to mission drift (or limit mission fulfilment) if you focus on them too much? Identify any revisions, deletions, and additions would be helpful to maintain an organisational focus on mission.

yes, we need to reevaluate.


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